Firma/instytucjaosoba prywatna
I represent a company / institution
I am private person
We are currently cooperating with 12 579 contractors from Poland and Europe
Company name*
Address of company *
Postal Code, City, Country*
Name and surname - authorized company representative placing the order *
Phone number - authorized company representative placing the order*
Company name *
Company address*
Postal code, City, Country*
Company address *
Loading date *
Flexible loading Załadunek elastyczny
Unloading date*
Flexible unloading Rozładunek elastyczny
Weight of the cargo *
Description and and size of cargo *
Freight rate (net) * - transport rate arranged with the forwarding agent in charge
Currency * ---Zloty (PLN)U.S. Dollar(USD)Euro (EUR)Japanese Yen (JPY)Pound sterling (GBP)Swiss franc (CHF)
I wish to receive a set of original documents via the Polish Post (cost: 20 PLN at the teritory of Poland, 40zł at the teritory of the EU, Other countries - individual price) *Vat invoice, transport documents I wish to receive a set of original documents via the Polish Post (cost: 20 PLN at the teritory of Poland, 40zł at the teritory of the EU, Other countries - individual price)
I wish to receive documents via electronic mail – free of charge *Vat invoice, transport documents I wish to receive documents via electronic mail
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory!
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*I confirm that I have made an order, that I have read and that I do accept the OWPiRZP regulations and I confirm compliance of the data with the actual state.
I agree to receive correspondence, commercial information and marketing materials from Patkar Holding Group Sp. z o.o. (42-700 Lubliniec, ul. Powstańców Śląskich 54a) on my postal or e-mail address, in accordance with the Act on Rendering Electronic Services as of 18 July 2012 (Journal of Laws, No. 144, item 1204). I agree for my personal data being processed and used for marketing purposes and for placing it in the database of Patkar Holding Group Sp. z o.o (42-700 Lubliniec, ul. Powstańców Śląskich 54a), in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act as of 29 August 1997 (Journal of Laws No. 133, item 883). I declare that I do accept the above regulations and that I agree for the data submitted by me to be processed in the above mentioned method.
*I declare that I have been informed by the shipping agent that the payment for the service is done before unloading, I fully understand and accept this act.
*I officially declare that all information and all data submitted above for the purpose of shipping/delivery services are accurate and correct, and that they have been presented with full awareness of the consequences of serious misleading.
*I declare that I'm a person authorized to conclude this contract for shipping/delivery services and to represent the ordering party in the whole process of shipping/delivery services carried out by PATKAR Holding Group Sp. o.o. ..
*Aware of the criminal liability resulting from article233 § of the penal code for attestation of truth, I declare that the above mentioned and entered data is correct and consistent with the actual state.
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